What is a nosode?
Simply stated: a nosode is a homeopathic remedy prepared from a pathological specimen. The only difference between a nosode and any other remedy, is the starting material. It could be blood, pus, any other body secretion or excretion, or even a diseased fragment of tissue, such as a growth. Rabies nosode for example, starts with the saliva of a rabid dog and is then "potentized".
Potentization in homeopathy explained:
Homeopathic potentization is a very specific form of potentization which was developed by Samuel Hahnemann. It involves serial dilutions by factors of 10 or 100 with succession.
So a nosode is prepared by extreme dilution in the way that a homeopathic remedy is prepared, but instead of starting from a compound with healing properties, they are starting from a manifestation of the target disease itself.
Homeopathic potentization is specifically designed not to contain any part of the disease organism or its toxin in some cases.. The process of dilution involved in homeopathic preparation is designed to ensure no significant amount of the
original material remains in the preparation.
The major difference between a nosode and an "orthodox" vaccine is the extremely small (if any) quantity of physical substance in a nosode. Nosodes work on the concept that everything has an energy body (some people call it an aura or chakras), that is intimately connected to the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. It is the "energy" pattern not the "substance" that does the job in a homeopathic remedy.
Simply stated: a nosode is a homeopathic remedy prepared from a pathological specimen. The only difference between a nosode and any other remedy, is the starting material. It could be blood, pus, any other body secretion or excretion, or even a diseased fragment of tissue, such as a growth. Rabies nosode for example, starts with the saliva of a rabid dog and is then "potentized".
Potentization in homeopathy explained:
Homeopathic potentization is a very specific form of potentization which was developed by Samuel Hahnemann. It involves serial dilutions by factors of 10 or 100 with succession.
So a nosode is prepared by extreme dilution in the way that a homeopathic remedy is prepared, but instead of starting from a compound with healing properties, they are starting from a manifestation of the target disease itself.
Homeopathic potentization is specifically designed not to contain any part of the disease organism or its toxin in some cases.. The process of dilution involved in homeopathic preparation is designed to ensure no significant amount of the
original material remains in the preparation.
The major difference between a nosode and an "orthodox" vaccine is the extremely small (if any) quantity of physical substance in a nosode. Nosodes work on the concept that everything has an energy body (some people call it an aura or chakras), that is intimately connected to the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. It is the "energy" pattern not the "substance" that does the job in a homeopathic remedy.